
汗水たらして不労所得 その5

会社四季報や日経会社情報を読んでいると、とても勉強になります。 各企業の状態が分かるだけでなく、どういう方向へ進んでいこうとしているかの戦略も見えてきます。 上場会社であっても、ハデな会社もあれば地味な会社もあります。 最終消費財を扱っている…

汗水たらして不労所得 その4

株を勉強する場合、個々の企業情報を知るには、やはり「会社四季報」や「日経会社情報」を見るに限ります。 当然のことながら、数千もの上場会社の中には自分が耳にしたこともないような企業も含まれます。 そういった企業の情報をコンパクトにまとめている…

汗水たらして不労所得 その3

私は不動産はプロであっても、株はプロではありません。 不労所得と言うからには、やはり株のことも研究したいと思うのです。 株式投資にも大きく分けて2つの方法があります。 一つはキャピタルゲインを狙うやり方。 もう一つはインカムゲイン。 * 株と言う…

I went to Munich University with some expectation. But there was no beautiful campus. There were only buildings which were old and dark. I was also disappointed to see many students smoking outside. It was far from my image of “Well educat…

My hotel, ”Bayerischer Hof” serves breakfast from 6:00. I thought that German was the earliest bird in the world. But I was also surprised that a bar in the hotel opened till 3:00 in the morning.

This time I went to a suburban resort, Tegernsee by taxi. Going by taxi is the best way, because I can go faster, the taxi driver guides me and I can certainly come back to my hotel. Next time, I will go to Innsbruck and Rotenburg by taxi,…

Travel by car is very convenient in Germany. Germany has good freeways (Auto Barn), where cars can drive at more than 150 km/h. A car runs faster than a train. Though once I tried to drive a rent-a-car, I soon found it very difficult and d…

Generally speaking, the southern part of Germany is Catholic and the northern part of Germany is Protestant. Munich is located in the south of Germany. The character of people is a little different from the northern one. They prefer Austri…

The automaker BWM has the main office in Munich. The mark of BMW, which contains blue and white, comes from the flag of Bayern. I think that BMW is one of the best automobiles in the world.

A trip to Munich (NO.2)

Munich is the third largest city in Germany, after Berlin and Hamburg. It is the capital city of Bayern State and the population is about 1.4 million. Munich hosted the 1972 Summer Olympics and it has applied to host the 2018 Winter Olympi…

At the bookstore, I also bought some language-learning CDs. They are very interesting CDs. They are Chinese-learning CDs explained in German, English-learning CDs with songs, business English learning CDs explained in German, etc.

Although I packed 17 books in my suitcases, I read all of them during the trip. So I bought some German and English books in Munich. It was the third time for me to visit Munich. Why I chose Munich was that I would like to go to a German-s…

I asked a fashion adviser how I do. She suggested that I wear a light blazer, cotton pants and leather-sneakers. Thanks to her advice, I enjoyed my trip.

I could not make up my mind whether I should have worn a formal dress or casual clothes during the trip. If I take both of them, my suitcases will be too small for packing. If I wear a formal dress, I can’t feel easy. If I take casual dres…

A trip to Munich (NO.1)

Travel starts when I start to plan it. I can enjoy not only during the trip but also during planning. But it is not pleasant for me to pack my suitcases. Sometimes it takes more than two hours. I always feel tired before the departure.

汗水たらして不労所得 その2

不動産のデメリットとしては、流動性の悪さが挙げられます。 一度買ってしまうと、次に現金化(即ち売却)するのに大変な苦労をするケースがあります。 流通性の悪い地域(例えば地方都市やバス便の郊外)で購入してしまうと、なかなか売れないことがありま…

汗水たらして不労所得 その1

「汗水たらして不労所得の元を作ろう!」というのが私の提言の一つでもあるのですが、不労所得と言えば、まず挙げられるのが不動産と株。 これらをじっくりと研究していきたいと思うのです。 * 私は大学卒業以来36年間、不動産業に従事しています。 大手不…


イギリスが最も輝いたのがヴィクトリア時代。 1837年から1901年までのヴィクトリア女王の時代です。 彼女はわずか18歳で女王になりました。 夫であるアルバート公との仲もよく、9人もの子宝にも恵まれました。 偉大な女王だけではなく、偉大な母でもあったわ…


「時を守り、場を清め、礼を尽くす」は森信三先生の大切な教えの一つです。 これができるのは、相当レベルの高い、上質な人であると言って間違いがありません。 例えば、時間にルーズな人間は信頼が出来ません。 また何をやってもいい加減です。 * 仮に一時…


ドイツで書店に入った時、なかなか自分に合った本が見つかりませんでした。 探しまくって、ようやくこれなら読めると思った本が、何と幼児用の絵本。 2冊買ったのですが、どちらも「初めての絵本」といった題名がついていました。 ドイツの子供が初めて手に…

The Victorian father was strict and stern. He was obeyed by all the family and children were expected to call their father “sir”. I find that it is very similar to Samurai family in Japan.

For the rich or powerful people, Victorian Britain must have been a wonderful place to live. They were a traditional lord class and a new group of people who had become wealthy through the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution changed Britain from a rural country to a superpower country. Everything was super, in politics, economy, military, culture, technology and so on. During Victoria’s 54-year reign, the rich became richer and the po…

The Victorian age (NO.3)

Queen Victoria came to the throne at a time of great change. Victoria was just 18 years old when she became queen. Victoria and her husband Albert had a happy marriage and had nine children. She was also a great mother.

Some powerful or rich men did anything without reserve. Conan Doyle, who is the author of “Sherlock Holmes” series, disliked such a climate. Many poorer people were desperate to escape poverty in Britain. They tried to move to Australia, N…

Although Britain became wealthy, poverty in the society was a very serious problem. Industrial revolution led to rapid urbanization and destroyed the environment badly, especially in London. Not a few children had to work in coal mines.

People became conscious of “railway time” being the standard by which clocks were set throughout Britain. Railway time must be on time. It made British society punctual. Punctuality is one of the most important elements to be an industrial…

The industrial revolution gave some important developments during the Victorian age. The railways changed British society dramatically. Not only people but also raw materials and goods could move very fast. Trains also influenced British s…

The Victorian Age (NO.2)

The Victorian age is the most prosperous era in British history. The population of Britain rapidly increased and it had almost doubled to be 30 million.

書籍名 著 者 出版社 価格 おもしろ度 1 『デフレ時代の富国論』 三橋貴明 ビジネス社 1,500 AA 2 『地球の歩き方 南ドイツ』 ーーー ダイヤモンド社 1,600 AA 3 『その土地活用ちょっと待った』 谷崎憲一 にじゅういち出版 2,000 A 4 『正しく生きる』…