
Some powerful or rich men did anything without reserve. Conan Doyle, who is the author of “Sherlock Holmes” series, disliked such a climate. Many poorer people were desperate to escape poverty in Britain. They tried to move to Australia, N…

Although Britain became wealthy, poverty in the society was a very serious problem. Industrial revolution led to rapid urbanization and destroyed the environment badly, especially in London. Not a few children had to work in coal mines.

People became conscious of “railway time” being the standard by which clocks were set throughout Britain. Railway time must be on time. It made British society punctual. Punctuality is one of the most important elements to be an industrial…

The industrial revolution gave some important developments during the Victorian age. The railways changed British society dramatically. Not only people but also raw materials and goods could move very fast. Trains also influenced British s…

The Victorian Age (NO.2)

The Victorian age is the most prosperous era in British history. The population of Britain rapidly increased and it had almost doubled to be 30 million.