Finally I lost eight kilograms. When I felt too heavy, I thought that I had to go swimming. But I could not go to a sports club for swimming, because I felt ashamed of my potbelly. Now I can go there because of the good style (losing waist…
It is suitable for me not eat lunch. Missing lunch and proper breakfast and supper makes my stomach and intestines in a good condition. Losing weight means decreasing waist. It makes all my trousers baggy pants. It is the only demerit for …
I could find the real meaning of eating and drinking at that time. We don’t eat just because of hungry. And we don’t drink just because of thirsty. After leaving the hospital, I found I lost weight. I think that three meals a day are too m…
Last year I entered the hospital because of stomach trouble. I had to fast for two and a half days. Luckily, as I had my computer, I could do desk work. And as I asked my wife to bring many books to the hospital, I could read them in the h…
「2012年・台湾を美しくする会・10周年記念大会」のことを振り返りたいと思います。 普段から日本各地でも「掃除の会」が催されているのですが、当社の営業日である土曜・日曜日で開催されることが多いので、私はほとんど参加したことがありません。 なのに…
The air in Lushun is clearer. The population of Lushun is 210,000. Some excellent condominiums and beautiful roads gave me a good impression on Lushun. There is a Chinese naval port in Lushun. Lushun has a small mountain named “203 Kohchi”…
I hired a guide and went to Lushun. The guide was a young woman. She said that her pay was about 2,000 Yuan (26,000 yen). She shares a condominium with other five colleagues. It costs 1,200 Yuan and she pays 200 a month. As the prices of f…
My good image, “Dalian with acacia”, was broken by air pollution and bad traffic manners. But delicious and cheap dishes gave me satisfaction. It was about two degrees in Dalian, which is the coldest day for me this winter. Though I felt v…
Now Dalian has six million people. Before the Second World War, the population of Dalian was 600,000, including 300,000 Japanese. As it is easier to find jobs in Dalian, many people from north-eastern China have been rushing to Dalian.
We have a two-and-a-half hour direct flight from Osaka to Dalian. Though Dalian has many skyscrapers, it has few famous sightseeing sites. It is also very difficult to cross roads in Dalian. Though I often feel scared of reckless cars in o…
In Dalian, there are many Japanese companies. And there are also call centers whose staff members correspond in Japanese. As Dalian historically and economically has strong connections with Japan, I thought I would like to visit it.
素晴らしい本との出会いは、人生最大の喜びの一つだと思いますが、そんなに素晴らしくない本でも、一つぐらいは学ぶことが書いてあります。 3冊読めば、3つは賢くなるわけです。 「お気に入り」の著者が見つかれば、もうそれだけで読書の魅力が倍増します。 …
昔『書を捨てて街に出よう』という本がありました。 その伝(でん)でいくと私の場合は「書を持って旅に出よう」。 本を読むための旅があってもいいと思うし、本の購入を目的とする旅があってもいいと思うのです。 実際、海外旅行の飛行機の中や、新幹線は読…
予備校のカリスマ英語教師の本を読みました。 実家が経営する塾で英語を教えていたのですが、教え子がみんな英語で失敗し、全員不合格になったのだそうです。 随分ショックだったと思いますが、その後試行錯誤の末、今の学習法を生み出したとのこと。 その過…
『夢をかなえる読書術』という本を読みました。 その中に著者の「人生を変えた本」というのが出てくるのですが、てっきり『道を開く』的な啓発本だと思っていたら、何と電話帳を活用しての顧客開拓の本だったのです。 弁護士として独立はしたものの、顧客ゼ…
台湾美化協会の会長は「統一超商」の創業者である徐重仁さん。 この方は日本に留学の経験があり、ロータリークラブの奨学生でもありました。 今でもその時にお世話になった日本の「父」のお墓参りを欠かさないのだそうです。 このへんが成功の秘訣なのかもし…
日本と台湾のメンバーが一緒にテーブルを囲みました。 日本のメンバーとも私は初めてお会いしたのですが、みんなナイスガイでした。