会社経営の目標、特に財務的な目標はキャッシュポジションを高めることに尽きるのではないかと、最近思うようになりました。 特にデフレの時代は、借入れは明らかに不利です。 デフレ時は物価自体が下がっていくため、キャッシュは持っているだけで価値が上…
書籍名 著 者 出版社 価格 おもしろ度 1 『電気自動車は新たな市場をつくれるか』 御堀直嗣 日刊工業新聞社 1,400 AA 2 『実践するドラッカー思考編』 上田惇生・佐藤等 ダイヤモンド社 1,500 A 3 『世界一わかりやすい会計の授業』 林總 中経出版 1,400 AA …
本を読み進めていくと、最初の読むスピードよりも途中の方が早くなってきます。 いわゆる調子が乗って来るのです。 いつもはベッドの中で読むことが多いのですが、新幹線や飛行機の中も読書の稼ぎ時。 なぜか非常に調子よく読めます。 本を読んでいるときは…
I could barely arrive at the airport. I found that the flight itself would be delayed. Finally I could come back to Japan with a two hour delay. I think that it was an interesting two day trip. The second Tuesday and Wednesday are successi…
After dinner, it was still 7:00PM. But I went to bed, because I felt very tired. I woke at 2:00AM. I was surprised to see it was snowing outside. “It is already the middle of March. Why is it snowing?” I said to myself. Next morning, there…
I had Korean foods at Pusan Lotte Hotel. If I have French dinner alone at the first class hotel, I would have time on my hands. But when eating Korean foods, I can enjoy it without any nerves feeling. As there are many Japanese tourists in…
I found that the buildings in Pusan were not so good. There are not so many places to see for tourists. But the delicious foods compensate its lack of the charm of the town.
Walking in the city, I saw that all the signs of shops and companies were written in the Hangul alphabet. No Kanji, Chinese characters were seen. The Hangul alphabet is rational phonogram. I hear that one of the minority groups in Indonesi…
Before visiting Pusan, I examined the weather forecast of Pusan. It said that it would be rainy and the maximum temperature would stand at 3℃. I prepared for the worst weather. But I also expected my fortune that I always got fine day for …
I took a “model taxi” from the airport to the Hotel. There are two kinds of taxis in Korea. One is the model taxi which we can use without any trouble, and the other is the ordinary taxi. The taxi fare of the model taxi is more expensive t…
Observing the city of Pusan from the airplane, we can see many mountains. It looks like Kansai in Japan. Pusan is the second largest city in Korea with a population of about 3.5 million. If a city has more than 3 million people, it must be…
I visited Pusan, Korea. It is a two day trip. I decided to go to Asian cities to broaden my horizons. Firstly I selected Pusan, because it is the nearest city from Japan. It takes one and half hours from Osaka and only one hour and ten min…
私は不動産業で、教育にはほとんど関係がないはずなのに、ある私学の評議員と、別の私学の幼稚園の監査をしています。 今日は前者の評議員会がありました。 この私学は幼稚園から高校までを擁し、経営責任者と中高の校長は大手民間企業出身の方がされていま…
私の知人でマンスリーマンションを手広く経営していた人がいます。 他社のマンスリーマンションよりもグレードを少しアップして差別化し、それがまた好評で、経営的にも上々の業績を納めていました。 ところがホテルが朝食付きで1泊3,980円という価格を出し…