1 『百年続く企業の条件』 帝国データバンク 朝日新書 740 A 2 『利益を3倍にするたった5つの方法』 大久保恒夫 ビジネス社 1,300 A 3 『英語ものがたり』 平野次郎 中経出版 1,500 AA 4 『クラウド・コンピューティング』 西田宗千佳 朝日新書 740 AA 5 『…
今一番興味があるテーマが「世界経済」。 2008年のサブプライム問題が表面化した時から、目を離さずに追い続けています。 それに関連する本が出たなら、ほとんどすべて読んでいます。 1989年をピークとするバブルの時は、上昇も崩壊もすべて初めての体験で、…
I wonder where China is going from now on.
【Toxic melamine is found in baby formula manufactured in China】 The year of 2008 was a big and hard year to China. It had glory and suffering to China.
【Beijing hosts the 29th Summer Olympics】
【An earthquake in Sichuan kills at least 70,000 people】
【Tibetan riots mark the 49th anniversary of the failed 1959 uprising】
【Tainted pet food made in China leads to worldwide recalls of Chinese products for health and safety reasons】 It gave a very bad image to Chinese products.
【The massive Three Gorges Dam is completed】 The dam had received nationwide media attention.
【The Falun Gong, a religious sect, is banned for “advocating superstition” and “jeopardizing social stability”】 It expressed that communism is still superior to religion.
【Hong Kong returns to Chinese sovereignty】 Owners and cooks of the Good Chinese restaurants escaped from Hong Kong. So now, we can have very good Chinese foods in Vancouver.
【China’s leaders violently suppress the Tiananmen protests】 Communism doesn’t like the movement of freedom. Economy itself would like to get free. It might be paradoxical between communism and free economy.
【Deng Xiaoping visits the former fishing village of Shenzhen, soon to become an emblem of China’s resurgence】 The era of “economy” started. China has been having very speedy economic growth since then.
【Mao dies. The Gang of Four is arrested a month later for their role in the now reviled Cultural Revolution】 The era of revolution ended finally. I guessed that many people in China felt relieved.
【U.S. President Richard Nixon arrives in China, leading to the eventual normalization of diplomatic relations】 President Nixon chose China rather than Taiwan. One of the reasons is that the U.S. had strong competition against the Soviet …
【The U.N. recognizes the PRC, while Taiwan loses its seat】 It was a serious loss for the diplomacy of Taiwan. Taiwan also should remain in the U.N. as an independent country.
【Mao launches the Cultural Revolution, attacking so-called class enemies and sparking years of turmoil】 I think that it was the biggest mistake in modern Chinese history. It broke Chinese economy, society and even people’s heart. It look…
【The Dalai Lama flees Tibet for India】 I didn’t know that it was very long ago since his escape.
【The Great Leap Forward starts, a mass-industrialization scheme that cause famine and leads to the death of millions】 The Great Leap Forward ended with a big sacrifice. It was a miserable mistake. The government leaders at that time must…
【Chinese troops enter North Korea and drive U.N.troops back】 It was Korean War. The cease fire of the war has kept the 38 degrees north separation. It causes international tension even today.
【Mao Zedong declares the founding of the People’s Republic of China】 I was the start of a new era of China. The U.S.A. ought to have supposed Jiang Jieshi troops. But the U.S.A might have abandoned them. I don’t know the detailed history…
世界金融危機後の為替の不思議な動きがあります。 経済危機の発祥国であるはずのアメリカの通貨ドルが、他の国の通貨に比べ高くなったのです。 円はさらにそのドルよりも高くなりました。 言わば通貨に関しては円の一人勝ちなのです。 円高によって日本の輸…
2008年9月のリーマンショック以降、1929年のような大恐慌になるのではないかとの強い懸念がありました。 が、金融を中心としたパニックは収まりつつあるように見えます。 ただし実体経済の方は、各国ともまだまだのようです。 * 今回の世界金融危機は3つの…