
After the Bubble collapse, Japan had suffered for 20 years. I think that EU economy also needs such a long term to recover. Only German economy is in good condition. The rates of unemployment of Greece and Spain are almost 25%. The rates u…

Although Euro alliance shows its strong determination to support Greece, they will not have to prepare a bailout for Greece, if the Greeks themselves choose to separate from Euro. The Greeks will have to use Drachma again instead of Euro. …

Europe is still economically instable at present. Greece will hold a general election again. If the leftist party wins, there is a risk that Greece will leave Euro alliance. Then, Greece will not be able to get economic assistance from EU …

Greek problems

これはギリシャの再総選挙の直前に書いた英文です。 結局「緊縮派」が勝利を収めましたが、ユーロ圏の経済が厳しい状況であることだけは変わりません。 基本的には「失われた10年・ヨーロッパ版」が始まっているのだと思います。 かつて日本が経験したバブル…