

通貨が強くなるというのは、その国と国民にとって祝福すべきことに違いありません。 円が上がれば、何もしなくても国と国民が豊かになります。 例えば石油を買う場合でも、1ドル140円の時より、1ドル70円の時の方が倍の量が買えるわけです。 有名な経済評論…

頑張ると人生が面白くなる その4

松下幸之助でも人から頼まれて、市会議員を務めていた時期があったのをご存知でしょうか。 しかし松下幸之助の場合は「こんなことをしていてはいけない」とすぐに気がつき、早々に市会議員を辞めています。 以降は本業一筋です。 * 議員まで行かなくても、…

頑張ると人生が面白くなる その3

経営者が本気で経営している間は、会社やお店は大丈夫なのではないかと思うのです。 長い間経営していると、一社一社の会社では避けられない波がやってくることがあります。 例えば「円高」などは、自分の努力の範疇外です。 しかしそれだって常にアンテナを…

頑張ると人生が面白くなる その2

社会人になってからは、基本的には頑張ってきたと思うのですが、それでも勤勉に働いていた時期と、手を抜いていた時期とがあります。 頑張ったからといって、すぐには成果は出ません。 また手を抜いたからといって、これまたすぐには業績が下がるというもの…

頑張ると人生が面白くなる その1

「頑張ると人生が面白くなる」というのは、考えれば当たり前のことなのですが、実際その通りだと思います。 京セラ創業者の稲盛和夫さんは若い頃、挫折の連続でした。 自分の願う志望校には入れず、おまけに結核にもかかり、人よりも何年も遅れることに。就…

I could notice and find many things during this trip. Many books and a big camera bringing with me make my bags heavy. But they make my trip more interesting. I think that foreign languages speaking ability and a reliable credit card also …

I found a very interesting bookstore whose name was “BEIJING FOREIGN LANGUAGES BOOKSTORE.” There were many English books and also Japanese books. I bought some English books and Chinese maps there. I also bought Chinese and German learning…

We, Japanese can understand Chinese characters; therefore it is very convenient walking in a town. If I could not read them, I must have felt lonely. When I went into a shop, I could communicate salesclerks with writing Chinese characters.

There were many tourists in the Forbidden City. I listened to not only various kinds of foreign languages but also various kinds of Chinese. I saw many Chinese tourist groups wearing same caps, ribbons or neckerchiefs.

Everyone must be astonished by the tremendous size of the Forbidden City. After seeing a very large square and a very big building, I would soon find another different square and building. Walking a long distance in the Forbidden City, I r…

A trip to Beijing 2

The second day was the main sightseeing day for me. It took about 30 minutes to the Forbidden City on foot. Finally I got a trick to cross pedestrian crossing safely. I should have crossed it with other people, not alone.

Observing the clothes of people in Beijing, I thought that fashion in Shanghai were more sophisticated than in Beijing. The Shanghai buildings are more overwhelmingly fabulous than Beijing ones. I found that Beijing was the city of Politic…

I reached the hotel at 5:30PM. I walked around the hotel for a while. I soon found that driving manners were very bad. As Beijing is the capital, I expected that the driving manners were much better in Beijing than in Shanghai. In Japan, d…

Seeing from the airplane, I found very bad atmosphere around Beijing. Environmental pollution must be one of the most serious problems in China. It took me more than one hour from Beijing Airport to its downtown because of a traffic jam.

The flight was AIR CHINA which was one of the members of Star Alliance. It takes 2 hours and 45 minutes from Osaka to Beijing. Osaka has more advantage to go faster to Asian cities than Tokyo. The time difference between Japan and Beijing …

A trip to Beijing 1

I took a three day trip to Beijing. Though at first I planned a two day trip, I soon found it a little difficult. I started off at 10:30AM from my house in Takarazuka. Reaching Kansai International Airport very smoothly, I could work with …


中国語は後回しにするとして、次はフランス語ぐらいにチャレンジしようかと思います。 ヨーロッパへ旅に出る時、フランス語を知っていると、ぐんと選択エリアが広がるからです。 最近はヨーロッパでも英語が通じやすくなったのですが、それでも“ついつい”ド…