
the books which I read yesterday

『知恵になる知識』 『人生を創る言葉』 『駐車場経営の基礎知識』 『元気のでるカラーコーディネート』

I enjoyed visiting Tokyo

I went to Tokyo on Tuesday and Wednesday. I enjoyed hotel staying and reading. I was satisfied with them but I feel a little sorry not to take a walk with Kanon.

My trip is for reading

When I go to anywhere to stay,I have to bring about 10 books with me. Because I read many books in Shinkansen or in a hotel. It is my great pleasure to read books during the trip. Usually I read 3 books from Tokyo to Osaka in Shinkansen. I…

I have memorised some treasure-words

I read loudly a book"素読のしずく”every morning. It is 184th reading this morning. I have memorised for example "祝詞・祓言(はらへことば)”,"般若心経",some sentences of "聖書”or "論語","教育勅語"and so on. I spend 20 minutes and it gives …

The books which I read in these days

『君ならどうする?』 『中国がクシャミをしたら』 『住宅・不動産ハンドブック』 『不動産売買得本』 『ホームページアクセスアップの鉄則』

Where there's a will,there's a way.

All things are difficult before they are easy.

Make haste slowly.

Well begun is half done.

It is never too late to mend.

More free time !

I have to have more free time. I am too busy. Too busy is not so good for everything. Tomorrow I will have a meeting of Winner's Club. It is important one to plan for the convention in Osaka from May 17th to 18th.

Arrangement is important

The electric codes in our office were mess. I decided to arrange them. I did some of the jobs and others were done by a workman. I am very satisfied with the good order.

God hands with modesty

Last night I watched TV about Dr.Fukushima who is an excellent surgeon of brain operation. Watching TV,I was very moved. His father was a religion server of Meiji-Jingu. And Dr. Fukushima was born there. He said,"I respect the god of Meiji…

I took a walk with Kanon

Ich gang mit Kanon spazieren. Wir gangen 4 Stunden Muko-river entlang. There is a construction at Nigawa. If the construction is over,we can go walking to the sea from Takarazuka. It is amazing !

The books which I read yesterday

『アパート・マンション経営塾』 『今だから不動産投資はこんなに儲かる』 After I deciding to read one book about real estate one day,I have read 63 books just now. I sometimes feel it difficult,but I know it is worthful for me. I will continu…