

人生でも経営でも「ここ一番」の決断時があります。 スパッと決断できればいいのですが、ウダウダと時間ばかりを浪費してしまうこともよくあります。 普段から決断力を鍛えていないと「ここ一番」に対応しがたいのです。 * 特に組織のトップは決断の連続と…

But Japan will show the potential soon. The big pinch will be changed to a big chance. I am optimistic. Japan will revive again.

It is curious that yen’s appreciation occurred after the earthquake. Yen’s depreciation must be the ordinary phenomenon. I think that it is very lucky for Japanese economy, because Japan will be able to buy many things from overseas inexpe…

The Government has to spend much money for the recovery. No one would object to it in such an emergency. The Government expenditure will give a big effect on the economy as “effective demand.”

Japan has been suffering from “deflation gap” for these two decades. The gap is about 30 trillion yen. “Deflation gap” means that “supply” is much bigger than “demand”. With this big disaster, it is apparent that supply will decrease and d…

Japan is in such a miserable and severe situation just now. But I think that it is a tipping point for Japan to revive in economy, policy and spirit. I am optimistic considering the history of Japan. When Japan had nationwide crises, Japan…

Japan will revive again

The Tohoku big earthquake is the biggest disaster that Japan has had since the World War 2. Approximately 30,000 people died or are missing. Though I experienced the Hanshin big earthquake, I feel that the tsunami is ten times as awful as …

競売・公売・任売 その2

競売で落札した物件は、瑕疵の追求ができません。 また競売で銀行の住宅ローンをつけるのは難しく、一般の人の参入は困難です。 やはり競売は「プロの仕事」もしくは「不動産業者の仕入れ市場」だと言えそうです。 * また競売不動産の最大のネックは「明渡…

競売・公売・任売 その1

「競売・公売・任売」を専門に扱うプロのセミナーを聞きました。 今まで競売市場と言えば、ちょっと胡散臭いイメージがあったのですが、最近は競売物件を扱う不動産プレーヤーも多くなり、不動産業の取扱分野の一つとなっています。 * 昨年はモラトリアム法…