
There is anxiety that we have a severe down turn world economy next year, 2012. Chinese economic bubble will collapse, EU economy will have financial worries because of PIIGS problems, and we have no good news from the American economy. I …

Some of the money went to the real estate business and created an investment bubble. Supplying too much money also brought about the price soaring, inflation. China's government had to make tight finance against inflation. But it has a ris…

The ratio of individual consumption to GDP in China is only about 30%. It is 70%in the U.S.A and 60%in Japan. If China's government would like to keep an 8%growth in GDP, an increase of government expenditure is most efficient. China's…

Wenzhou merchants are called “Chinese Jewish people” because of their excellent business ability. But recently more than 60 company owners have fled by night. They suffered from financial problems. Added to the tight money situation, there…

Where is the world economy going?

世界経済がどの方向へ行くのかを、注意して観察しています。 物事にはその兆候というものがあり、それを見逃さずに見ていると予測ができます。 先日から、ヨーロッパの金融不安の記事が新聞を賑(にぎ)わしています。 ギリシャだけの話だったものが、イタリ…