
Power struggles between the nations of Europe led to World WarⅠ(1914-18). The Russian Revolution in 1917 led to the creation of the Soviet Union. World War Ⅱ(1939-45) was led by Germany and other countries. After the war, the Soviet Union …

Beginning in the 1300s, the Renaissance came up. With the appearance of the Protestant Church, there were many struggles and wars with the Roman Catholic Church. The industrial Revolution began in Britain in the mid-1700s.

Europe has a long and complex history. Its countries have regularly changed borders. 3,000 years ago, European history began from Greece. Greece was later conquered by Rome. At its height, the Roman Empire covered most of Europe. Religious…


海外旅行の極みの一つがヨーロッパであることは間違いがないと思います。 さまざまな国や都市の勃興があり、興味尽きない歴史を持っています。 中世の都市がそのまま残っているところなど、都市全体が美術館のようです(例えばフィレンツェやプラハなど)。 …