
If we work hard and ask God help, we will have nothing to worry about. As Benedict school is a group of the monastery, “noble or clean poverty is important for them. But I would like to get “noble and clean prosperity.” Anyway, I will work…

Recently I found the magic way to make dreams true. What is it? The answer is “to work hard.” It is very simple, but excellently effective. The motto of Benedicts school of Catholic is “Work and Pray.”

I have been studying how to get good luck or fortune. The most effective way for getting fortune is to serve for the society or other people without any expectation for something in return. We will certainly get good luck from Something Gr…

If we hire an unlucky person in the company, the company itself will become unlucky. If we associate with an unlucky person, we will also become unlucky. I think that it is one of the most important laws which we should know.

Work and Pray

The most famous president in Japan is Matsushita Kohnosuke, the founder of Panasonic. He advised one thing we should have asked an applicant of the job. It is “Are you a lucky person?”


ロシア大使館に勤めていた元外務省職員の佐藤優さんは、月に300冊の本を読むようです。 時には月500冊にもなるとのこと。 そうすると年4,000冊ぐらいの読書数となります。 大川隆法さんの年2,000冊に驚いて「これに追いつくにはどう対処したらいいだろう?」…


不動産の勉強会の理事会で、横浜へ行ってきました。 仕事が出来る人たちと話をすると、ひじょうに刺激になります。 10名ぐらいが集まったのですが、あとで気がつくと私は上から2番目の年長者でありました。 「アラカン(アラウンド還暦)」になると、会の出…


今の日本経済が悪いかと言えば、そう悪くもないのではないかと感じるのです。 失業率だって5%ぐらいなので、欧米と比べればかなり良いわけです。 円高であることは間違いがないのですが、輸出企業にとっては具合が悪くても、日本全体でみた場合、中立、もし…