
As reading is the core of my intellectual life, I welcome my reading ability excellently developed. I don’t have to worry about the space for keeping books and I have enough money to buy books which I would like to read. I hope that my won…

After coming back to my house, I found that I could read much more books without any pains, comparing with before entering the hospital. My brain was amazingly developed after my concentrated reading in the hospital.

Luckily, I had my computer in my bag when I entered the hospital. Thanks to the Internet, I could use e-mail and give the company staff some orders. I also canceled the appointments with my customers and my friends. Within ten minutes, I c…

Developed reading ability

入院してよかったと思うことがいくつかあります。 * 丸2日半の絶食で体重が3キロ減り、おなかが出ていたのがヘッコミました。 4年ほど前の入院の時も3キロほど体重が減り、以降ずっとその体重を維持してきました。 今回もキープしていくつもりです。 普段や…