
From 1989 to 1991, the Eastern European Communist states were replaced by democratically elected governments. In 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed. Other Eastern Europe countries became independent from the Soviet Union. Some countries were …

In the years following World War Ⅱ(1939-45), Europe was divided politically. Russia became a Communist super power, the Soviet Union, which put Communist governments in Eastern Europe.

In the 11th and 12th centuries, Germanic peoples had moved into Slavic territory. At the end of the 18th century, Poland was divided among Prussia (one of German states), Austria, and Russia. This land was lost after World War Ⅰ(1914-18), …

In the 1500s, the Ottoman Turks, who were building a vast empire across Asia and Eastern Europe, also governed Hungary. They held it until the end of the 1600s, when it joined the Austrian empire.

Roman Catholicism is the main religion in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. In Russia, Ukraine, Rumania, and Belarus, most people belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Eastern Europe (東欧)

東欧は日本人にとって馴染みの少ないエリアです。 第2次世界大戦のあと、長い間ソ連のもとで抑圧されてきました。 それが1989年11月9日をもって、自由と独立を獲得しました。 1989年11月9日はベルリンの壁が崩壊した日です。 * 同時にそれは、ヨーロッパ経…