
Observing the Meiji Restoration(明治維新), many great men appeared. The Choshu Clan(長州藩) had Yoshida Shoin(吉田松陰), Takasugi Shinsaku(高杉晋作), Ito Hirohumi(伊藤博文) and Yamagata Aritomo(山県有朋) and so on. The Satsuma …

During the Warring State Period,(戦国時代) there were many great generals, for example, Takeda Shingen(武田信玄), Uesugi Kenshin(上杉謙信), Oda Nobunaga(織田信長), Toyotomi Hideyoshi(豊臣秀吉) and Tokugawa Ieyasu(徳川家康). The…

Each founder was very great and charming. After the six big Buddhist monks, no superior persons had appeared in Japanese Buddhism. Before the six Kamakura Buddhism founders, I can find only one great Buddhism monk, Kukai(空海). I think t…

Hohnen(法然) was the founder of Johdo sect(浄土宗). Shinran(親鸞) founded Johdo-shinshu(浄土真宗). Nichiren(日蓮) started Nichiren sect(日蓮宗). Dougen(道元) made Sohto sect(曹洞宗)、which is one of the Zen schools. Eisai(栄…

The Big Men

Observing Japanese history, I feel it is a wonder that a particular era had big persons in particular field. For example, there were many religious giants in the Kamakura era. Many founders of new Buddhism sects were born and flourished in…