Observing the Meiji Restoration(明治維新), many great men appeared.
The Choshu Clan(長州藩) had Yoshida Shoin(吉田松陰), Takasugi Shinsaku(高杉晋作), Ito Hirohumi(伊藤博文) and Yamagata Aritomo(山県有朋) and so on.
The Satsuma Clan(薩摩藩) had Okubo Toshimichi(大久保利通) and Saigo Takamori(西郷隆盛).
Famous Sakamoto Ryoma(坂本龍馬) was from the Tosa Clan(土佐藩).
With their movement, the strong Tokugawa Shogunate(徳川幕府) collapsed, which continued almost 300 years.
I wonder why such great men appeared in particular era and particular field.