
When I go to the toilet in the plane, I always quickly clean it. It’s my charm against trouble on my travels. If I clean the toilet, I get “lucky points” from the skies every time. The lucky points give me safe and pleasant travels. For ex…

Time difference between Japan and Hong Kong is one hour. And there is no time difference between Hong Kong and Singapore. It means that there is only one hour time difference between Japan and Singapore. I couldn’t understand why there was…

As my flight was Cathay Pacific, I transited at Hong Kong. In a flight of Cathay Pacific, the announcements are made in Chinese and English. I felt that the intonation was different from standard Chinese. Asking a flight attendant, she rep…

Singapore is one of the advanced countries in the world. The Singapore government has been having strong and efficient leadership to build the country. I think that the government of Japan should ask Singapore to help the task of administr…

A trip to Singapore ( NO.1)

I had a four day solitary trip to Singapore. Singapore is a small country which has about 5 million people. But its economy is excellent. GDP per head in Singapore is superior to in Japan. And though Singapore used to be a colony of the Un…