
The theory of evolution tells us “the survival of the fittest.” It means that survivals are not the strongest ones, but the best changed ones to the new circumstances. “Revolution” means big change. Companies also have to change. If a comp…

The electric car revolution

Personal computers have completely changed the mankind’s life. I think that this information revolution in the computers is influential to the world as much as the industrial revolution in the 19th century. In my personal experience, I wor…

今月の読破リスト 84冊

「今月の読破リスト」です。 昨年一年で読書量は1,000冊を超えたと思います(たぶん1,005冊)。 過去の読破リストを見てみると、2007年の6月ぐらいから「年間千冊」を目指して読み始めているのが分かりました。 大川隆法さんが年間千冊ぐらいは読んでいるこ…