
Though there is not strong demand to rent offices, the construction of many new skyscrapers has been started. The financial easing brings about the phenomenon. * * * * * * * *

The banks eagerly have been searching new bank loan users. They try to lend money to persons who want to buy houses or to invest in real estate. It is one of the biggest reasons that many individual investors suddenly appear nowadays.

The interest of finance has been tremendously low, the current rate being the lowest one. The finance has been easing. Those financial situations support consumers’ eagerness to buy real estate and to build new buildings and apartment hous…

The Easing of Finance and The Real Estate Market

Abenomics has been increasing buying power in real estate. But it doesn’t mean everywhere in Japan. Though the real estate market is booming in Tokyo and Fukuoka, the other cities get just a little influence from Abenomics.