I read 100 books a month. As there are several days when I can’t read any books because of some business, I have to read four books a day. I read books mainly at night. I would like to try to read two more books in the day time. Those book…
I selected three things to do. The only thing I have to do is to concentrate on them. Those are reading, language-learning, and “coin parking.” Those will lead my life to the new stage.
As I have many things to do, I am often confused with what to do. It is the time that I have to change my life style. If I fail to change it, the new step of my life will never come. It is the important time for me now and much energy is n…
「石亭」に宿泊しました。 かなり満足度の高い旅館でした。
厳島神社のある宮島と、帰りに呉(くれ)に寄る1泊2日のクルマの旅をしました。 厳島神社は世界遺産でもあります。 子供のころに1度行ったことがあるのですが、なぜかもう一度行きたくなり、今回の旅行となりました。 * 厳島神社は平清盛によって造営され、…