
In Shintoism or Buddhism, cleaning is the basis of religious training. I think that cleaning is one of the most important things in running a company.

If we find an office which is kept in bad condition, we can suppose that the company has some troubles. A management consultant always checks the lavatories of the company which he visits. Dirty toilets tell us bad condition of the company…

The third merit of cleaning is obtainment of fortune and elimination of misfortune. The cleaning gives us a lucky life. I not only wipe dust but also drive out evil spirits through cleaning.

The second merit for cleaning is that I can have time to think. I sometimes think about the future of our company and my life during the cleaning. During my routine work, it is difficult to think about such things because of busyness. Work…

Now, I find three merits for the cleaning. One of them is that we can always keep my office clean and neat. The tidy office gives us efficient work and peaceful mind. We can keep everything in order with everyday cleaning.

Cleaning makes perfect !

I have been cleaning my office for 21 years. It takes about two hours a day for the cleaning. If I had not been cleaning, my life and our company would be different from what they are. The frame of my mind of cleaning has been gradually ch…