
Though I feel very sad, I was glad that Kanon did not suffer too long. My daughter, who lives in Yokohama, happened to come back home. Kanon died with my wife, my daughter and I at her side.

70 percent of the conversation between my wife and I was about Kanon. When I went abroad, I always sent email to my wife,”Hello, how is Kanon doing?” I slept in my study with Kanon and in early morning we take a walk together. Sleeping wit…

Seven years with Kanon gave us everyday happiness. As she lived with us in the house, she was completely one of our families. As Kanon is very friendly to everyone, many bunches of flowers were sent for her after her death. If I died, I wo…


カノンの写真を大量にブログにアップした時、気がついたことがあります。 自然の中で撮ったカノンは、とてもイキイキしているし、また心から喜んでいるように見えます。 またうれしいときは口が開いていて、笑っているようにも見えるのです。 * カノンと一…