
It is very lucky for me that I can buy books as many as I would like to.(本が好きなだけ買えるなんてラッキー) As I have a library for my books, I don’t have to worry about a place for books which I read.(本を置く場所にも困らない) Every …

I am admitted to go to a party and a meeting, because I can meet many people there.(でも社交は大切) But I wonder whether a party or a meeting is worth more than five books.(本5冊より価値があるのか?) If I think that the party or the me…

I am admitted by Heaven (God) to travel in the business class, not in the economy class. But I am not admitted something else, for example, going to a concert, going to the theater, going to see a baseball game or going to play golf. (海…

My daily life

If I live within my means, I will be automatically happy.(人は与えられた「分」の中で生きようとするなら勝手に幸せになるように出来ている) Heaven gives me a place.(自分の本分というものが天から与えられている) When I realize my place, my li…