
Sorry, I can not go to Bucharest, Rumania during your stay there. I am going to Madrid in May, Wien and Praha (Prague) in summer, Saigon (Ho Chi-minh, Vietnam) in December and New York at the end of the year. Especially New York ,I am goin…

Nowadays it becomes warmer day by day in Takarazuka. The peak of coldest has gone. It is brighter and brighter in early morning. It was completly dark at 5:30AM, but these days we can find a landscape.

Kanon is waiting for taking a walk. Is she cute?

So Kanon is wearing a raincoat.

Dear Marinesc Tomomi-sama

When I went out from my house with Kanon, I found it raining. "Wow ! Should I give up taking a walk today? But it is not so heavy rain. Oh, we have a raincoat for Kanon."