

1『不動産業界の動向とカラクリがよ〜くわかる』(長谷川高・秀和システム・1,500)AA 2『知ったかぶり日本史』(谷沢永一・PHP研究所・1,200 )AA 3『家を買うのならこの2年のうちに買いなさい』(川北義則・ダイヤモンド社・1,400)A 4『株よりや…

I have been reading about 20 books a month for long time. After the Hanshin great earth quake ,I decided to read 50 books a month. Last year I declared "one day,one real estate book reading". And then my reading books becomes 60.

I read 60 books a month.

I started to read many books from high school days. Mr.Shiga was a teacher of Kwansei Gakuin high school who read tremendously many books. I was very influenced by him.