
I wll keep in touch with you.

Yours Sincerely Mickey Fukui

With cold air mass still hindering the arrival of vernal weather,it is expected that cherry blossom will be just around the corner.

Please enjoy your business life as well as pleasant spring events.

You must have an unrivalled talent in writing such an essay as a businessperson and I must tell you that I feel honored to have been included as a recipient entiled to receive such a book directly from an auther.

This is no exaggeration whatever. I heartily congratulate you on your success in your business as a realtor and do respect you as a full-fledged member of society who has established a firm belief in your life style.

Well,I thoroughly enjoyed reading your book.

One cannot emphasize too much that your book is engrossing and it is really worth reading. Since your book is so fascinating that I could not stop reading it once I started.

a letter from Mr.Fukui

Dear Deguchi-sanI duty received "Zoku-Ekimae Fudousannya Funtouki",latest publication of your writing for which I would like to give my sincerest thankfulness to you. Please excuse me for being late in acknowledging the receipt of the abov…


この方の英語はすごくリズム感があり、とても聞きやすく、理解しやすい。 いわば私の理想の英語でもあります。 福井さんはドイツ語も堪能で、これもまた英語同様 sehr gut!(very good!)なのです。 私がドイツ語を学びだしたのも、潜在的に福井さんの影響が…