


There is an English proverb ”The early bird catches the worm”. There is also a Japanese one “Hayaoki wa san-mon no toku” literally meaning “People getting up early get 30 yen”. But recently it has been changed to “People getting up early g…

I know there are many cases to get prosperity, continuing cleaning the toilet. The other day I got to know the “scientific” reason. When people open a shop or an office, many spirits also move there together. Every spirit takes a respectiv…

When taking a walk along the river, we try to pick up litter in the riverside. The spirits of the river must be glad to see it. One day after 3 years from starting cleaning, unexpectedly each of us was given a new house. I could realize th…

Something which gives you fortune

Talent and effort are indispensable for getting fortune, but there is much more important thing. It is “something”.